The World of floppyzyn
This website was born on March 7th, 2022! Thanks for visiting! :)

UPDATE April 11th, 2024

I've been playing with a fully manual film camera a little more and think It's my favorite camera so far. I know the work flow for a film camera is a lot more complicated to upload pics to the internet, but I think it helps me to have something that takes attention and forces me to slow down and relax. I've been shooting cheap black and white film and developing at home. I also started taking notes with my rolls so that I know what my settings and intentions were for each shot. Previously it would take so long for me to get rolls back from the lab I would have no idea what something was supposed to be or what my intentions were. I'm hoping to actually draw some meaningful conclusions from my failed photos.

They are a little pricey but I hope to have a dedicated 35mm film scanner soon. Then I can try a couple of projects and post them on here. I also think it would be cool to do a daily/weekly photo journal at some point.

I have this really cool idea for my about section. I'm thinking about getting together pictures from my life that aren't already online and making a timeline of my life every few years, posting a few photos and what I was into and how I felt at the time.

I do still think about making shrines for games I like, and I'm pretty sure that's the best way for me to handle it. I'll have a lot more text than most shrines seem to have but I want to convey to people what the game/thing is like and why they should try it or what they should know going in.

That's all for now, I just wanted to say a few things and take a second to collect my thoughts. - FloppyZyn

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